After watching the movie Invictus for the first time; it was pretty cool to see the true story and how everything unfolded. The movie is a reenactment of the true events that occurred in South Africa in 1995; the newly elected president Nelson Mandela had a goal/ vision of ending the separation of blacks and whites which is known as apartheid.
Mandela was successful in ending the apartheid of South Africa through the use of sport, and more specifically through rugby. South Africa actually hosted the '95 Rugby World Cup when Mandela came to power, this turned out to be exactly what Mandela needed in order to change his country forever. The South African rugby team were underdogs and ended pulling off the perfect Cinderella story.
Before the World Cup there was a lot of hate in the country and for the most part the country was split right down the middle with the different races holding grudges against each other. As the World Cup unfolded, Mandela spent all his time backing the national team as he knew this would be the perfect thing to help end the hate and separation. As the team improved and moved further in the tournament, the countries people started focusing on the sport and coming together as one to cheer for their fellow countrymen. When the final whistle blew, the country erupted and everyone celebrated as one; whites and blacks were hugging each other and and giving each other high-fives.
Mandela's vision was coming together and he said at one time that he had wanted the country to no longer be able to notice the black guy "Chester" on the team but to see everyone as equal and as one. This is exactly what he wanted to transfer over to the countries people; if he could get everyone to learn about themselves and learn that everyone is equal then in return South African could take giant steps in becoming a much more united country.
The link below gives a perfect example of how rugby was able to unite the races:
Sources: Invictus film (2009)